So I had my first Christmas. It was pretty hectic and totally fun. We had loads of guests, including Joe and Christina with Tenzin and Munai. And Anu too! Tenzin is three times older than me and also three times bigger than me! He's a big boy, but I'm working hard to catch up. By one month old, I'd gained 2 pounds and 5 ounces and grew another inch. I'm now 8 lbs, 6 ounces and 22 inches long. Mom says I look just like bubba Dawson. She says it's like she's breastfeeding her dad which makes her a little queasy. She called her dad and said, "Get your face off my son!" Bubba Dawson said, "I had nothing to do with it!" Moms friend Kristin said, "Well it's better than breastfeeding your mother-in-law!"
My sister Jaf is awesome. She loves me, I can tell. She's always holding my hand and rubbing my belly. And she asks about me all the time and gives me lots of kisses. My dad is super cool. Except the hair he's sportin' - I do hope he plans to cut it soon. My gram and bubba Stu are also cool; they came to visit after Christmas with my aunt Lisa, uncle Darren and cousins Noah and Marlon. We had a great time together. They are an awesome family. All in all it was an excellent Christmas this year even though we didn't have a real tree (just a drawn one propped up in the window) but mom says this won't happen again. "Can't have Christmas with no tree. It's just not right." she said.