Friday, July 29, 2011

Seriously Pretty

This is my sister Jaffe. She's dead serious about being a pretty princess.

Gram gave her this head piece and tutu. Gram is serious about being pretty too.

I love my sister and my gram.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


People are always asking my mom if me and Jaf are twins...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I can swim!

We just got back to Tucson from our annual Chips trip to Wildwood Hot Springs. I can swim now, and swam quite a bit on our trip and now I'm swimming in my Gram Arlene's pool. It's Bubba's pool too but he is recovering from shoulder surgery and in bed a lot. Here is a video of me swimming. (you'll notice my mom shouting at me quite a bit, but it does help remind me to use my arms so don't feel so bad for me, she's alright.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Holding Hands

This is me and my daddy taking a walk at Gila Hot Springs where we camped this year with The Chips!