Thursday, December 24, 2009


Is it easier to take a bottle from a little baby or from a grown man baby?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My First Christmas in the Snow!!

My first real Christmas, where I met Santa and went on a sleigh ride and opened Christmas presents from under a tree, was at my mamie Cathou and bubba Dawson's house in Canada.
Bubba and mamie got us a bouncy house to play in and it was so much fun going down the slide.
I also hung out with my Uncle Brant who pretends to be very aloof but was always whispering how much he loved me in my ear. He'll deny it if you ask him, but I'm telling you for real.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Balaclava what?

Okay, is my mom getting ready to rob a bank?
I'm embarrassed to be with her right now...can you tell?

Spot the Dawson

Can you spot him? ...keep looking...

Bailey Walks Like a Man

Friday, December 11, 2009

I Can Walk!

This is video of me pushing my car but today I walked without holding onto anything. I was at the end of year Giggles & Grassstains party for Jaffe and I took a few steps and my mom hit my dad and said, "Bailey just walked! Those are his first steps!" She was ridiculously happy, it's amazing to me what makes her happy these days. I think it's because she figures she'll have to do a lot less laundry when I'm not crawling around on the floor all the time. She's always talking about strapping rags onto my legs so I can dust the floor. I say, clean your own floor, woman. Anyway, everyone gathered around and I did a bunch more walking, a few steps at a time. I think walking is okay, but perhaps a bit overrated.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bailey at Breakfast

I'm hangin' here waitin' for some food.
Enough pictures, more food!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm one year old!

I'm in Tucson and my gram and bubba threw an awesome birthday party for me!
I am one year old!
I can do two signs, "more" and "thank-you." I can blow my nose which delights my mommy EVERY single time! I will also kiss you if you ask me to. I'm still not walking yet but I'm very close.
Gotta go now and take a poo.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stats and other things...

I went to the Doctor today and I am 16lbs 11 oz.
My height is 28"
And my head is 44.5 centimeters.
(big brain in there)
A few things to mention are I love cantaloupe, I'm walking while holding my moms fingers, and I have four teeth. Another thing- I hate having my diaper changed. For about 4-5 months now I scream and cry like mad as soon as mom puts me down on the changing table and I squirm, trying to roll over and sit up. She thinks there's something wrong, perhaps with my back or something cause I do it every single time she changes me and it's kinda bizarre and very frustrating for her.
Oh well, mom, life's a bitch, am I right?

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm a boy!!

Here I am in my red shoes with my red and white car and I'm a little boy now and that makes my mom very proud.
Other updates are I have four teeth and love to eat. There's not much I don't like to eat except I don't like broccoli and I don't like chick peas either.
I'm also standing now, for seconds at a time, and I like to walk while pushing Jaffe in her car.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Morning Lessons

Jaffe does a little reading class with me every morning.
She's a great teacher and aside from the fact that she's often naked I'd say anyone would be lucky to have her teach during their breakfast time.

No time to poo.

You might notice there aren't as many pictures or little films of me as there are of Jaffe on her blog but my mom assures me it's not because she doesn't love me as much but rather with two kids now she has no time to even poo anymore.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hello from Canada!

We're visiting Canada! This is my mamie and bubba, my Aunt T and cousin Lola and Jaffe too! We're about to leave to go to the airport. Most people in Canada have gray hair but they seem young at heart.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jaf drives Baie

My sister took me for a short spin yesterday.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Swimmin' with my Daddy

Me and my daddy in the pool for the first time in Tucson, Arizona where it's so hot even my balls were hangin' down by my knees.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hello Jaffe!

Everyday when I wake up from my nap Jaffe comes in and climbs into my crib and we hang out for awhile before mommy comes in and gets us. Jaffe is awesome and makes me laugh a lot. Yesterday she was jumping off the stool over and over, like a hundred times, and it made me laugh so hard.

Life is good.

Food is good.
Pooing is good.
Sleeping is good.
Life is good.

Shake Your Groove Thing!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yay America!

July 4th we went to Eliots and had drinks and BBQ and a merry old time - fabulous!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Webby Awards!!

This is my dad. He's in New York tonight at the Webby Awards show. He's nominated for Prop 8, the musical. It's his first award show, I think, anyway he's handsome and smart and funny and I'm very proud of my dad. I hope he wins!!! In the first picture he's with his best friend, my Uncle Alex.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Mommy is always right."

This is Jaffe and me. Jaffe makes me laugh my balls off, at least that’s what mommy is always telling everyone.
I still have my balls so I’m not sure what she means, but I bet she’s right ‘cause that’s another thing she's always saying too, “Mommy is always right.”

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Big Head

This is my uncle David – he has a big head.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Long 'n Lean

I went to the doctor today and I weigh 13 lbs 4 ounces (10 percentile) and am 25 inches long (25 percentile for height)
I'm gonna be long n lean just like bubba Dawson.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Sister is Awesome!!

I Rolled Over Today!!

I rolled over today from my front to my back a few times while my mom and Auntie T watched. I'd rolled over already about three weeks ago with my dad three times in a row but now I'm gonna start rolling over all the time!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My girlfriend

This is my first girlfriend, Elliot Starling Murphy. She's cute, right! I haven't kissed her yet but I like to take it slow. I'm a gentleman.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Park

This is me and Jaf and mom at the park.
Christine Blackburn took this picture- she's in our playgroup and always holds me when mom visits with her.
I like Christine. She's funny and super nice.

Thursday, March 5, 2009