Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sounds like...

The words I say that sound like cock.
Trash truck.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Who sleeps?

Does Bailey look like Jaffe or does Jaffe look like Bailey?

Can you tell?

These are my parents...

...and I feel, in a lot of ways, I don't stand a chance...

Three boys!

Three boys.
Three generations of Antzis men.
Me now.
Me at 40.
And me at 70.
I look pretty damn good!

My daddy's Droid phone.

My daddy took this picture today on his Droid phone. (Daddy loves his Droid phone very much.) I love my daddy very much, I like to run into his arms and say Daddy! Daddy! I also like to say, "I want up," "I want down" and "All done." But my biggest passion right now is climbing. I like to climb onto the top of the couch and hang over the back and let go. I started to skooch along the top yesterday on my knees and I'm thinking I'll start walking up there soon. We'll see how it goes, basically how open my mom is to that idea. ..

Sexy Bailey Boy

Friday, April 9, 2010

How do you spell see saw?

A couple weeks ago daddy took us to the park and we played on the see saw.
How do you spell see saw? See Saw? Sea Saw? Sesaw? Sesau?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8th, 11:31 a.m.

Seizures & Temper Tantrums

I am very happy almost all the time.

Except the other day I had my first febrile seizure and that was not fun. I was hot and tired and my body hurt and I just wanted to cry a lot.
I threw a lot of fits, over a 3-4 day period, which my mom finally decided were temper tantrums.
But now, that my fever is gone and I’m feeling better I’m not throwing them anymore. I think I grew a whole bunch in a short time and I’m also teething which is super painful, in case you don’t remember.

Anyway, things are better now and I’m happy again, most of the time.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I like to run!

I like to run! I run and then look behind me and if my mommy is running after me then I laugh and turn and run faster!