Saturday, September 25, 2010

Drive Your Car!

I gotta tell you about this--

A couple days ago I'm riding in the car with mom to pick up Jaffe from school and it's pretty sunny out and I said to mom, "Mom! Mom! Sunglasses!" so she gave me my shades and I put them on. They're these size large rad red shades that used to be Jaffe's but now I wear them. They got a heart in the corner and they just read, 'I'm a lover, ladies,' know what I mean? Anyway, so we get to a stop sign and mom turns around and stares at me. Just staring at me, smiling, and I'm like, what up mama? Her music is blasting really loud, as always, she's so deaf. Anyway, so I say, "Drive mom." I think she got a good laugh. It was pretty funny. I gotta remember to tell Jaffe.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Road Rash!


I am about 21 months here. The same age as Jaffe when I was born.
Dude Bails