Thursday, December 15, 2011

Post 911 Cockpit

No flight attendant can resist offering me a view from the cock pit. This is the beginning of my legacy, ladies.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Me, Jaf and pretty girl, Anabelle Sadie

Birds eye view of nudie-ness

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Birthday Pancakes!!

I'm 3!!! 
Thanks for my birthday pancakes Erica! 
Sorry, mommy, but Erica might be the best mommy on the planet.

I wanna be a fire truck!

Thanks Erica, Miles, Wyatt & Emily for taking me to the fire station for my birthday!

Monday, October 31, 2011


When we went out for candy this year I approached every door and said, "Trick or Treating!" It was fun. Then the Hallowe'en fairy came and traded my candy for the CARS 2 movie- now my favorite favorite movie in the whole world. I could watch it every day and often do.

Spiderman Pose

Hallowe'en 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pooping on the Potty

Sometimes it's damn sunny in LA, dammit! I love saying that word - dammit. Usually Jaffe tells mommy when I say it and mommy says, "Bailey, say darn it, it's a much nicer word." Really, mom? Really?
So, check it out- I've been pooing on the potty for almost a month now and I heard my mom say on the phone to her friend tonight, "Bailey is in the downstairs bathroom poo'ing and Jaffe is in the upstairs bathroom poo'ing. Do you understand? Both kids are poo'ing on the potty as we speak. I am free. I am free!" Not sure what that means but when I poo on the potty I get the Race Car movie and that is ALL I need to know. Poo. Flush. Give me my movie.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Multi Tasking

My mom is multi-tasking right now...that's what I'm talking about...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Seriously Pretty

This is my sister Jaffe. She's dead serious about being a pretty princess.

Gram gave her this head piece and tutu. Gram is serious about being pretty too.

I love my sister and my gram.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


People are always asking my mom if me and Jaf are twins...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I can swim!

We just got back to Tucson from our annual Chips trip to Wildwood Hot Springs. I can swim now, and swam quite a bit on our trip and now I'm swimming in my Gram Arlene's pool. It's Bubba's pool too but he is recovering from shoulder surgery and in bed a lot. Here is a video of me swimming. (you'll notice my mom shouting at me quite a bit, but it does help remind me to use my arms so don't feel so bad for me, she's alright.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Holding Hands

This is me and my daddy taking a walk at Gila Hot Springs where we camped this year with The Chips!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I AM a big boy!

I went hiking today with mommy, Jaffe, Finlay and Maggie. I thought we were going to the place where they have a beautiful garden but Jaffe told me no, I was wrong. Mommy let me hold Finlay's leash cause I'm a big boy. I told her this morning, "Mommy, I have bad news." And when she said "What is it?" I told her I was a big boy. She told me that wasn't bad news, that was good news. Okay mom. My mommy always needs to be right.

My conversation with Jaffe today...

Jaffe: I am sick.
Bailey: I'm a doctor. Okay, girl, okay?
Jaffe: No you're not.
Bailey: Yes I are.
Jaffe: Then fix yourself.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I run fast and I am spiderman!

My New Bike

This is my new bike and I am very excited to ride it in circles around the courtyard. I swapped my bike mom and dad got for me ( a gift from Gram and Bubba) for this smaller bike from Cody. See, mom, I can ride a bike I just need it to be the right size!! Hopefully Cody is enjoying my large bike!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nudie Patoodie

My mom wants to kiss me ALL the time.
And okay I'm a pretty affectionate guy and I've been enjoying telling her I love her lately, that feels good, but sometimes I just ain't wantin' a kiss all the time. So, I turn my head and send a clear signal that although I am cute I am not always available for a kiss. And when I do this she ALWAYS says, "What?! No kiss!" and it ALWAYS makes me laugh and then I ALWAYS end up giving her a kiss anyway. Women!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Watching Dino Dan

I told mommy today I used to be a dinosaur, that I came from dinosaurs.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Swing Baby Swing!!

Push me higher Jaffe!

(ps That's Ruby in the background with her daddy Scott.)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My New Bike!!

This is my bike! I can't wait to reach the pedals like Jaffe.

I turned two in November. There was a big party at the park, and there were presents and cake. And I got this bike from Gram and Bubba. I love my birthday and keep asking mommy everyday if it's my birthday.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Tucson Crew




Sleeping Series

I enjoy a good sleep in the car.

That's my new boot.

Good book on trucks right there.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just another day at the beach...

Kelly, our new and totally awesome babysitter, took us to the beach on the weekend. The beach is what you might call SUPER FUN TIMES DUDE!!!
We went in the water, (as I later described to mommy as "diving in the water") and made sand castles and got a ton of sand in our butts! (my favorite word to say these days is butt, I like to say, "I fell on my butt." or "I can see your butt." or "I pat your butt."

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas in Tucson

It's me and my dad!!! Happy New Year Tucson!!