Thursday, February 17, 2011

My New Bike!!

This is my bike! I can't wait to reach the pedals like Jaffe.

I turned two in November. There was a big party at the park, and there were presents and cake. And I got this bike from Gram and Bubba. I love my birthday and keep asking mommy everyday if it's my birthday.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Tucson Crew




Sleeping Series

I enjoy a good sleep in the car.

That's my new boot.

Good book on trucks right there.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just another day at the beach...

Kelly, our new and totally awesome babysitter, took us to the beach on the weekend. The beach is what you might call SUPER FUN TIMES DUDE!!!
We went in the water, (as I later described to mommy as "diving in the water") and made sand castles and got a ton of sand in our butts! (my favorite word to say these days is butt, I like to say, "I fell on my butt." or "I can see your butt." or "I pat your butt."