Friday, October 12, 2012

Knox Pumpkin Farm

We went to a pumpkin farm today with Auntie T and Uncle Brant.


Ta da! My brand new baby cousin, Sable. She's so cute. I love her, I want to kiss her and hug her and hold her all the time. I want to stand up and hold her. And walk while holding her. My mom finally agreed to letting me hold her while standing. It went good. Now it's time to go out and ride my bike suckers!

Lola's Zoo

This is Lola's zoo. It has an awesome playground. And animals. Monkeys. The sign says 'don't feed your animals' but these aren't my, can I feed them, mommy?

Lola's Back Yard
I love to visit my cousin Lola and play in her back yard.
Listen up....when forced, I'll rise to the occasion.  I just learned to ride without training wheels at Thanksgiving in Canada. I had no choice, they left my glider bike at home.