Thursday, January 29, 2009

My stats

This is a pic of me and my dad.
I went to the doctor today and these are my stats. Unlike my sister I am on the charts! I weigh 10 pounds and 11 ounces and I'm 22 3/4 inches long. I'm in the 25% for weight and 50% for height.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Breach of Contract

Mom had her six week appointment with handsome Dr. Jay Goldberg today to look at her scar and make sure she's recovering well.
My mom had an emergency c-section (after hours of drug-free labor) because I was a breach baby.
My mom says it was a breach of contract.
She consulted a lawyer to see if she could sue.
The lawyer said he could make it work, but did she really wanna sue her six day old son?
'It's an important lesson to keep your word,' she told him. 'Good parenting is teaching your children to keep their word, isn't it? Did I mention hours of drug-free labor?'

A Little Bit Sad

My mom bought a new brand of diapers for Jaffe today and then treated the package like a Christmas present, tearing it open, super excited to try out a new diaper. Wow. That's a little bit sad, isn't it?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bubba Stu

This is bubba Stu with Jaffe and my cousins, Marlon and Noah.
Bubba Stu is probably farting while taking this picture.
He eats bags and bags of prunes. And then farts all the time.
But I still love him.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Ladies

These are the ladies in my life.
My mom Tamara and sister Jaffe, my gram Arlene and my aunt Lisa.