Monday, March 1, 2010


I am about 15 months old. I finally weigh 20 pounds.
Mommy and Daddy have taught me a bunch of words.
Car, ball, dog, hat, more, banana, hi, bye bye, hat, mama, dada, and a whole bunch more.
I can even say, “I want up.”
But Jaffe finally taught me a word too. “Mine!”

Whenever I see something that’s Jaffe’s, which is almost everything you can see, I run towards it and yell, "Mine!" Most of the time she gets there first and hits me and yells, "Mine! That’s mine, Bailey! Mine! Do not touch this. This is mine."

Mommy has been talking a lot lately about sharing. Either that or she'll just take it all away. 'Give our stuff away to our friends,' that's what she keeps saying.

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