Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama baby!

It's 5 days after an historic election here in America. Barack Obama, the first African American to get elected to the highest office in this land, became President-elect at approx. 8pm on November 4th, 2008. My mom, dad and their good friend, David Razowsky, were together to celebrate this incredible event. My mommy got so excited when she heard that Obama won, in a landslide victory, because she'd told all her friends that she would move out of the country if McCain was elected. Today she is proud to be an American.
Below is a picture of me in my mommy's belly.

And one of my sister and mommy after they voted for Obama. (It was my mom's first election as an American citizen and the first time she voted, so that was fun too.)
I'm so lucky because I get to start my life in a country with renewed hope in an awesome president.

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